Find Your inner Einstein
Oleh: Tatang Kukuh Wibawa
CP : Mahasiswa Jurusan Teknik Sipil fakultas Teknik Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta Dan HMS FT Universitas Sebelas Maret.(085640545586)
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Find Your Inner Einstein
The next time you see a picture of Albert Einstein realize that that’s actually you. See albert Einstein and say “ There I am”
Every Human Has The Capasity for some form of genious. You don’t have to be good with math or physics to experience genius level in your thinking. To experience Einsteins creative level of thinking, all you have to do is habitually Use your imagination
This is difficult recommendation for adults to follow, Though, because adult have become accustomed to using their imaginations for only one thing: Worrying. Adult visualize worst-case scenarios all day long. All their energy for visualization is channeled into colorful picture of what they dread.
What They don’t comprehend is that worry is a misuse of the imagination. The Human Imagination was designed for better things. People who use their imagination to create with often achieve things that worries possessmuch higher IQs. People who habitually accces their imaginations are often hailed by their collagues as “ Geniuses” – as if “genious” was a genetic characteristic. They would be better understood as people who are practiced at accesing their genius.
Recognition of the power of this genius in all of us promoted napoleon to say “ Imagination rules the world”
As a child, you instinctively use your imagination as it was instinded. You daydreamed and made stuff up. You ware a daydreamed believer by day and in your right brain at night you sailed down a river of dreams.
Semoga bermanfaat...(Salam Akademik HMS FT UNS prestasi ),
"Tidak kan ada pilihan bagi pemuda untuk dirinya mengeluarkan segenap kemampuannya, jiwa, raga, pkiran serta keringat bercucuran pun bahkan tumpah darah..,untuk amanah hidupnya di Dunia dan akhiratnya"
Tentang Aku
Perkenalkan..,Saya :
- Tatang Kukuh Wibawa
- Grobogan, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia
- Kusampaikan bahwa rasa menggelora akan menjadikan diri kuat tanpa ada lelah bahkan raut wajah pucatpun tidak ada, kecuali hanya menggapai Ridho-nya. PIN BB : 7E61CA7A