Tentang Aku

ketika kita ingin memilih nilai 100 atau 70? maka kebanyakan orang berebut memilih nilai 100. namun kalau di kasih tau susahnya perjuangan mencapai 100, maka orang akan memilih dan puas cukup 70. hanya sedikit yang memilih 100 dengan konsekuensinya perjuangan beserta kesungguhan azzam (tekad) yang sempurna.

Perkenalkan..,Saya :

Foto saya
Grobogan, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia
Kusampaikan bahwa rasa menggelora akan menjadikan diri kuat tanpa ada lelah bahkan raut wajah pucatpun tidak ada, kecuali hanya menggapai Ridho-nya. PIN BB : 7E61CA7A

Selasa, Juni 22, 2010

Earthquake Disaster management and Mitigation Case Study of Yogyakarta Earthquake May 27th, 2006

Earthquake is a land movement phenomenon caused by seismic wave pass that radiated by elastic energy of the source deep under earth.

Tectonic Earthquake
In the 20th and 21st century..big Tectonic Earthquake was happen until 32 times in the world with all those kind of the impact. (Source: Evi Rine Hartuti,2009)

Analysis of Earthquakes Potential in Indonesia
Management and Mitigation Analysis
Construction Quake resistance Analysis
Earthquake disaster Impact Analysis
Return Period earthquake analysis (by Probability)
External Potential Analysis

Management and Mitigation Analysis
Earthquakes Mitigation and management processes are several actions that should be taken in order to the occurrence of a disaster in the context of disaster risk reduction that integrated with a system of sustainable development. Risks posed by the earthquake of human life including good regional planning and provision of information and communication media which are critical and up to date as a means of disaster response. Earthquake mitigation model includes the concept of Main and First Plan Disaster Mitigation Management must be implemented in order to reduce the impact of earthquake disasters

External Potential Analysis:
Dinas Sosial (social department)
Tentara Nasional Indonesia (indonesian Army and Air Force)
Badan Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika (BMKG)
Research and Rescue (SAR)
Rumah Sakit (Hospital/ICU)
Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat (PUSKESMAS/Public Medical Center)
Polisi Daerah (Police)
Satuan Pelaksana penanggulangan bencana dan pengungsi (SATLAK PBP)
Satuan Koordinasi Pelaksanaan Penanggulangan Bencana dan Pengungsi (SATKORLAK PBP)
Hansip/Linmas/Public Security
Palang Merah Indonesia (PMI/Indonesian National red Cross)
Kepala Desa (Distric Officer)
Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat (LSM/Non-Govermental Organisation)
Media Massa (mass media)
Kelompok Masyarakat Penanggulangan Bencana (KMPB)

With reference to the base of natural disasters especially earthquakes that can not be known when and where it occurs, therefore in all of these management processes and mitigation needs of the role between academics, community and government in the follow-up earthquake. Thus the necessary coordination and cooperation, supporting institutions each other respective roles.

The Picture Show Children Save to Earthquake

The Picture Show  Earthquake Phenomenan

The Picture Show  Earthquake Source

 The Picture Show  Earthquake Resistance Building

       The Picture Show Seismograf  from Earthquake Disaster

      The Picture Show Help Location  from Earthquake Disaster

"Rangkuman yang sedikit ini merupakan karya tulis saya daat Lomba mahasiswa Prestasi Fakultas teknik UNS, Alhamdulilah Mendapat Juara 2"
"Tatang Kukuh W."
tatang_kukuh@yahoo.com (seoarang pemuda yg tak akan lelah untuk berprestasi)

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